Psy 628: Perceptual Processes

Spring 2001


Last update: Feb 3, 2001.


Time: TTh 10:30-11:45AM

Place: LAEB 1202.


Instructor: Dr. Zygmunt Pizlo
Office Hour: Wed 2-3PM


Text: Palmer S.E. (1999) Vision Science. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Exams: There will be two exams. Each exam counts 40% towards your final grade. The remaining 20% comes from the presentation of a paper(s) chosen from the reading list.




Week 1: Mind-Body Problem. Anatomy and physiology of the retina.

Palmer - chapters 13, 1.


Week 2: Nativism vs. Empiricism.

Hubel D.H. & Wiesel T.N. (1963) Receptive fields of cells in striate cortex of very young, visually inexperienced kittens. Journal of Neurophysiology 26, 994-1002.

Hess E.H. (1956) Space perception in the chick. Scientific American 195, 71-80.

Rock I. & Harris C.S. (1967) Vision and touch. Scientific American 216, 96-104.


Week 3: No classes.


Week 4: Main approaches to perception - historical review.

Palmer - chapter 2.

Steinman R.M., Pizlo Z & Pizlo F.J. (2000) Phi is not beta and why Wertheimer's discovery launched the Gestalt revolution. Vision Research 40, 2257-2264.

Hochberg J. & Brooks V. (1962) Pictorial recognition as an unlearned ability: a study of one child’s performance. American Journal of Psychology 75, 624-628.

Rosenblueth A., Wiener N. & Bigelow J. (1943) Behavior, purpose and teleology. Philosphy of Science 10, 18-24.

Poggio T., Torre V. & Koch C. (1985) Computational vision and regularization theory. Nature 317, 314-319.


Week 5: Outer psychophysics and inner psychophysics.

Palmer - Appendix A.

Brindley G.S. (1970) Physiology of the Retina and Visual Pathway (Chapter 5). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Teller D.Y. (1984) Linking propositions. Vision Research 24, 1233-1246.


Week 6: Color vision - trichromatic vs. opponent process theory.

Palmer - Chapter 3.

Helmholtz H. von (1852) On the theory of compound colours. Philosophical Magazine 4, 519-534.

Maxwell J.C. (1856) On the theory of colours in relation to colour-blindness. Transactions of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts 4, 394-400.

Hecht S. (1928) On the binocular fusion of colors and its relation to theories of color vision. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 14, 237-241.

Hurvich L.M. & Jameson D. (1951) The binocular fusion of yellow in relation to color theories. Science 114, 199-202.


Week 7: Lightness and color perception.

Wallach, H. (1948) Brightness constancy and the nature of achromatic colors. Journal of Experimental Psychology 38, 310-324.

Gilchrist A.L. & Jacobsen A. (1983) Lightness constancy through a veiling luminance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 9, 936-944.

Wandell B.A. (1995) Foundations of Vision. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer. (Chapter 9)


Week 8: Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of perception.

Palmer - Chapter 4.

Schwartz E.L. (1980) Computational anatomy and functional architecture of striate cortex: a spatial mapping approach to perceptual coding. Vision Research 20, 645-669.

Ungerleider L.G. & Mishkin M. (1982) Two cortical visual systems. In: D.G.Ingle, M.A. Goodale & R.J.Q.Mansfield (Eds.), Analysis of visual Behavior. (pp. 549-586). Cambridge, MA: MIT.


Week 9: Visual organization - overview.

Palmer - Chapter 6.

Wertheimer M. (1923/1958) Principles of perceptual organization. In Beardslee D.C. & Wertheimer M. (Eds.) Readings in Perception (pp. 115-135). Princeton NJ: van Nostrand.

Pizlo Z., Rosenfeld A. & Epelboim J. (1995) An exponential pyramid model of the time-course of size processing. Vision Research 35, 1089-1107.


Week 10: Visual organization - minimum principle.

Pomerantz J.R. & Kubovy M. (1986) Simplicity and likelihood principles. In Boff K.R., Kaufman L. & Thomas, J.P. (Eds.) Handbook of Perception and Human Performance (Chapter 36). New York: Wiley.

Pizlo Z., Salach-Golyska M. & Rosenfeld A. (1997) Curve detection in a noisy image. Vision Research 37, 1217-1241.

Chater N. (1996) Reconciling simplicity and likelihood principles in perceptual organization. Psychological Review 103, 566-581.


Week 11: Space perception from binocular disparity.

Palmer - Chapter 5.1-5.3.

Matin L. et al. (1982) Oculoparalytic illusion: visual-field dependent spatial mislocalizations by humans partially paralyzed with curare. Science 216, 198-201.

McKee S.P., Levi D.M. & Bowne S.F. (1990) The imprecision of stereopsis. Vision Research 30, 1763-1779.

Longuet-Higgins H.C. (1981) A computer algorithm for reconstructing a scene from two projections. Nature 293, 133-135.

Chan M.W., Pizlo Z. & Chelberg D.M. (1999) Binocular shape reconstruction: psychological plausibility of the 8-point algorithm. Computer Vision & Image Understanding 74, 121-137.


Week 12: Depth vs. size vs. shape perception.

Palmer - Chapters 7,8.

Holway A.H. & Boring E.G. (1941) Determinants of apparent visual size with distance variant. American Journal of Psychology 51, 21-37.

Thouless R.H. (1931) Phenomenal regression to the real object. I & II. British Journal of Psychology 21, 339-359; 22, 1-30.

Stavrianos B.K. (1945) The relation of shape perception to explicit judgments of inclination. Archives of Psychology, No. 296.


Week 13: Perception of three-dimensional shape.

Hochberg J. & McAlister E. (1953) A quantitative approach to figural "goodness". Journal of Experimental Psychology 46, 361-364.

Attneave F. & Frost R. (1969) The determination of perceived tridimensional orientation by minimum criteria. Perception & Psychophysics 6, 391-396.

Todd J.T. & Bressan P. (1990) The perception of 3-dimensional affine structure from minimal apparent motion sequences. Perception & Psychophysics 48, 419-430.

Eagle R.A. & Blake A. (1995) Two-dimensional constraints on three-dimensional structure from motion tasks. Vision Research 35, 2927-2941.


Week 14: Shape constancy from novel views.

Rock I. & DiVita J. (1987) A case of viewer-centered object perception. Cognitive Psychology 19, 280-293.

Biederman I. & Gerhardstein P.C. (1993) Recognizing depth rotated objects: evidence and conditions for three-dimensional view-point invariance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception & Performance 19, 1162-1182.

Farah M.J., Rochlin R. & Klein K.L. (1994) Orientation invariance and geometric primitives in shape recognition. Cognitive Science 18, 325-344.

Pizlo Z. & Stevenson A.K. (1999) Shape constancy from novel views. Perception & Psychophysics 61, 1299-1307.


Week 15: Motion and shape from motion.

Palmer - Chapter 10.

Wallach H. (1939) On constancy of visual speed. Psychological Review 46, 541-552.

Wallach H. & O'Connell D. (1953) The kinetic depth effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology 45, 205-217.

Hay J.C. (1966) Optical motions and space perception: an extension of Gibson’s analysis. Psychological Review 73, 550-565.

Hildreth E.C. (1984) The computation of the velocity field. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 221, 189-220.




Boring E.N. (1929) A History of Experimental Psychology. New York: Appleton.

Boring E.N. (1942) Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology. New York: Appleton.

Cornsweet T.N. (1970) Visual Perception. New York: Academic Press.

Fechner G.T. (1860/1966) Elements of Psychophysics. New York: Holt.

Gibson J.J. (1979) The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Hecht E. (1990) Optics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Helmholtz H. von (1910/2000) Treatise on Physiological Optics. J.P.C.Southall (Ed.). Bristol: Thoemmes.

Hochberg J.E, (1968) Perception. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Hochberg J.E. (1971) Perception. In: J.W.Kling & L.A.Riggs (Eds.), Woodworth & Schlosberg’s Experimental Psychology. (Chapters 12, 13). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Howard I.P. & Rogers B.J. (1995) Binocular Vision and Stereopsis. New York: Oxford University Press.

Koffka K. (1935) Principles of Gestalt Psychology. New York: Harcourt, Brace.

Mach E. (1906/1959) The Analysis of Sensations. New York: Dover.

Newton I. (1704/1979) Opticks. New York: Dover.

Springer C.E. (1964) Geometry and Analysis of Projective Spaces. San Francisco: Freeman.

Wallach H. (1976) On Perception. New York: Quadrangle.